Benefits, Discounts, and More!
Our checking accounts work for YOU!
Good Life Checking with BaZing Benefits** is truly better than FREE!
Start saving with discounted offers from local and national retailers. And feel more secure with cell phone protection and identity theft assistance benefits. Enjoy these amazing benefits and more when you open a Good Life Checking account or Good Life Checking with Interest:
Local Shopping and Dining Discounts
Name Brand National Retailer Savings
Identity Theft Assistance
$10,000 Travel Accidental Death Insurance
Travel, Hotel, and Recreation Discounts
Discounted Roadside Assistance
Pharmacy, Vision, and Hearing Savings
Cell Phone Protection
More to Explore
Login to discover thousands of online deals with name brand retailers, savings on hotels and car rentals, health savings and more money-saving benefits.
Pay Someone
Person to person transfers, or pay someone, is a quick, secure, and convenient way to send and receive money as easily as you send and receive emails and text messages.
Mobile Check Deposit
Save money, gas and time by using Peoples Bank’s Mobile Check Deposit. Deposit checks electronically to your checking or savings account using your iPhone®, iPad® or Android® mobile device.
Reimburse your roommates for rent
Send a cash birthday gift
Pay a friend for concert tickets
Mobile check deposit
Saving is Simple
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